- Coca-Cola would be green if colouring weren’t added to it.
- Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.
- The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old!
- Half of the world’s population live on a staple diet of rice.
- In France, people eat approximately 500,000,000 snails per year.
- There are about 100,000 bacteria in one litre of drinking water.
- Within 2 hours of standing in daylight, milk loses between half and two-thirds of its vitamin B content.
- It Takes 3500 Calories To Make A Pound Of Fat!
- Peanuts are used in the manufacture of dynamite.
- It has been traditional to serve fish with a slice of lemon since the Middle Ages, when people believed that the fruit’s juice would dissolve any bones accidentally swallowed.
- The Average Person Eats Almost 1500 Pounds Of Food A Year!
- Milk chocolate was invented by Daniel Peter, who sold the concept to his neighbour Henri Nestlé.
- An ounce of chocolate contains about 20 mg of caffeine.
- TIP is the acronym for “To Insure Promptness.”
- The world’s oldest existing eatery opened in Kai-Feng, China in 1153.
- Three quarters of fish caught are eaten – the rest is used to make things such as glue, soap, margarine and fertilizer.
- To make one kilo of honey bees have to visit 4 million flowers, travelling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.
- Spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana.
- There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes.
- Over the last 40 years food production actually increased faster than population.
- Over 90% of all fish caught are caught in the northern hemisphere.
- Approximately one billion snails are served in restaurants annually.
- Vitamin A is known to prevent “night blindness,” and carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. One carrot provides more than 200% of recommended daily intake of Vitamin A.
- Carrots have zero fat content.
- Tea is said to have been discovered in 2737 BC by a Chinese emperor when some tea leaves accidentally blew into a pot of boiling water.
- In the 1950′s some 80% of chickens in Europe and the US were free-ranging. By 1980, it was only 1%. Today, about 13% of chickens in the West are free-ranging.
- An onion, apple and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavour are caused by their smell.
- China uses 45 billion chopsticks per year. 25 million trees are chopped down to make them.
- Chocolate is the number one foodstuff flavour in the world, beating vanilla and banana by 3-to-1.
- Each American eats approximately 22 pounds of tomatoes yearly. Over 1/2 of the tomato consumption is in the form of catsup and tomato sauce.
- The average U.S. dairy cow produces 22.5 quarts of milk each day. That’s about 16,000 glasses of milk per year – enough for about 40 people. One cow can give 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.
- Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second.
- Onions contain a mild antibiotic that fights infections, soothes burns, tames bee stings and relieves the itch of athletes foot.
- A family of four could live for 10 years off the bread produced by one acre of wheat.
- It takes just 40 days for most Americans to earn enough money to pay for their food supply for the entire year. In comparison with the 129 days it takes the average American to earn enough money to pay federal, state and local taxes for the year.
- Reportedly, there are more than 1,750 “O’s” in a 15-ounce can of Spaghetti Os.
- Native Americans never actually ate turkey; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate laziness.
- 1.5 billion cups of tea are enjoyed throughout the world every day.
- Table salt is the only commodity that hasn’t risen dramatically in price in the last 150 years.
- Burger King uses approximately 1/2 million pounds of bacon every month in its restaurants.
- A study of 19,000 Americans found breakfast skippers are more likely to gain weight because they are more inclined to overcompensate for the loss of key nutrients at breakfast by eating more fat-rich, high-energy foods later in the day.
- Beer is made by fermentation cause by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating.
- Carrots were first cultivated in Afghanistan in the 7th century, and they started with yellow flesh and a purple exterior.
- Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and hAM.
Food Trivia
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Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.
ReplyDeleteHoney is believed to be the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found to still be edible.
Cheese closes the stomach and should always be served at the end of a meal.
Peanuts are salted in the shell by boiling them in a heavily salted solution, then allowing them to dry.
The canning process for herring was developed in Sardinia, which is why canned herrings are better known as sardines.
A quarter of raw potato placed in each shoe at night will keep the leather soft and the shoes smelling fresh and clean.
Pineapples are classified as berries.
Milk is actually considered to be a food and not a beverage.
The table fork was introduced into England in 1601. Until then people would eat with their knives, spoons or fingers. When Queen Elizabeth first used a fork, the clergy went ballistic. They felt it was an insult to God not to touch meat with one’s fingers.
The Mai Tai cocktail was created in 1945 by Victor Bergeron, the genius of rum, also known as Trader Vic. The drink got its name when he served it to two friends from Tahiti, who exclaimed “Maitai roa ae!,” which in Tahitian means “Out of this world – the best!”
Before Columbus, Europe had never tasted cord, potatoes, tomatoes, red peppers, sweet potatoes, tapioca, chocolate, pumpkins, squash, coconuts, pineapples, strawberries, and much more. Why? All these food items are native to America.
The cashew nut in its natural state contains poisonous oil. Roasting removes the oil and makes the nuts safe to eat.
Although explorers brought potatoes back from the New World in the early 1500s, Europeans were afraid to eat them for fear that the spuds would give them leprosy. It wasn’t until Louis XVI, who was looking for a cheap food source for his starving subjects, served them at the royal table that people were convinced potatoes were safe to eat.
In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was believed to be an aphrodisiac.
There is no alcohol left in food that’s cooked with wine. The alcohol evaporates at 172 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cabbage is 91% water.
The strawberry is the only agricultural product that bears its seeds on the outside.
It takes, on average, 345 squirts from a cow’s udder to yield one gallon of milk.
Ever wonder how Swiss cheese is made? As the cheese ferments, a bacterial action generates gas. As the gas is liberated, it bubbles through the cheese, leaving all those holes.
Cheese is the oldest of all man-made foods.
The white part of an egg is called the glair
19% of Americans say they eat ice cream in bed. 3% eat ice cream in the bathtub. (2008)
ReplyDeleteIn the early days of television mashed potatoes were used to simulate ice cream on cooking shows. Real ice cream melted too fast under the heat from the lighting.
French Ice Cream is enriched with egg yolks.
More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
U.S. standards call for ice cream to contain a minimum of 10% milk fat and 20% total milk solids. There is a maximum of 100% overrun allowed. Overrun refers to whipping air into the mixture, and a 100% overrun doubles the original volume of the mixture. A gallon of ice cream must weigh a minimum of 4 1/2 pounds.
Per capita ice cream consumption in the U.S. is about 5 1/2 gallons. (2005)
It takes about 12 pounds of whole milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream.
Vanilla is the top Ice Cream flavor in the U.S., followed by chocolate, vanilla/chocolate, fruit and cookies & cream.
Abe Lincoln's mother supposedly died when the family dairy cow ate poisonous mushrooms and Mrs. Lincoln drank the milk.
It has been reported that George Washington liked ice cream so much that he had a bill for $200 for ice cream one summer.
Agricultural Council of America
25% of Baskin Robbins ('31 flavors') ice cream sales are for plain vanilla.
Waste from Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream company was supposedly given to local farmers in Vermont to feed to their hogs. It is said the hogs don't particularly care for the Mint Oreo.
At one time it was against the law to serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas.
The world's first soft-serve ice cream machine was in an Olympia, Washington Dairy Queen.
Haagen Dazs ice cream was created in 1959 by Polish born New York businessman Reuben Mattus. The Danish sounding name was also invented by Mattus, and the premium ice cream had a map of Scandinavia on the carton.
Here is the most popular story on the origin of the ice cream cone: The ice cream cone was invented at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. An ice cream vendor ran out of paper cups and asked a nearby waffle booth to make some thin waffles he could roll up to hold the ice cream.
However, it is also reported that a patent had been taken out in the late 1890's for an ice cream cone by Italo Marchiony. So, the ice cream cone was probably popularized at the St. Louis Fair, but not invented there.
'Neapolitan Ice Cream,' refers to a block of ice cream composed of layers of different flavors, usually chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. (The term Neapolitan is also used to refer to any molded dessert that is made with 3 layers.)
The ice cream makers of Naples were famous in the early 19th century, especially Tortoni, who created many layered ice cream cakes.
Natives of Naples are known as Neapolitans.
The term Neapolitan Ice Cream originated in the U.S. in the late 19th century, and is presumably a reference to the 3 layered ice cream cakes of Tortoni, a Neapolitan.
The origins of ice cream go way back to about 60 A.D. when the Roman emperor Nero ordered ice to be brought from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings. In the 13th century, Marco Polo learned of the Chinese method of creating ice and milk mixtures and brought it back to Europe. Over time, people created recipes for ices, sherbets, and milk ices. It became a fashionable treat in Italy and France, and once imported to the United States, ice cream was served by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Dolley Madison. Jefferson's favorite flavor was vanilla.
ReplyDeleteApproximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts, more than are killed by sharks.
NASA included the hot dog as a regular menu item on its Apollo moon flights.
The Union Oyster House in Boston, established in 1826, is the oldest restaurant in continuous service in the United States.
Table salt is the only food commodity that hasn't dramatically increased in price in the last 150 years.
The first credit card was issued in 1951 when Diners Club issued cards to 200 people who could use them in 27 restaurants in New York City.
7-Eleven was the first retailer to offer fresh-brewed coffee in to-go cups, introducing it in their Northeast stores in 1964.
Carrots were prized by early Greek and Roman gardeners as aphrodisiacs.
The Varsity in Atlanta, Georgia, established in 1928, is the world's largest drive-in fast-food restaurant.
The deep-dish pizza was invented in Chicago by pizza entrepreneur Ike Sewell.
There are about 3,500 ethnic restaurants in New York City.
Many restaurant menus feature "monkfish", but actually there is no such fish. It's a marketing name for fishes belonging to the goosefish family. The edible meat comes only from the tail part of the fish.
Americans eat about 150 sandwiches a year--or 45 billion in 2002.
Pizza Hut is the largest pizza purveyor in the world, with more than 12,500 restaurants in the United States and in more than 90 countries.
Snake is a delicacy in China.
The first-ever all-glass undersea restaurant opened its doors recently at the Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa. Named Ithaa, it sits 16 feet below the Indian Ocean
In 1982, a Chicago restaurant commissioned a sculptor to create a statue of Brooke Shields...made of chopped liver.
An estimated 13 percent of the food taken home in doggie bags from restaurants is actually fed to dogs.
About 25 percent of American commuters eat breakfast in their cars.
In 1903, a German importer tried to save a shipment of coffee beans that had been soaked in saltwater. The result was de-caffeinated coffee, which he marketed as Sanka.
Italy produces more wine than any other country in the world.
The world's largest restaurant is Bangkok, Thailand's Royal Dragon, serving 5,000.
The average American spends $20,000 on fast food in a lifetime.
Newport, Rhode Island's White Horse Tavern, built in 1673, is the oldest tavern building in continuous use in the United States.
About 2 percent of all Americans are employed as a waiter or waitress.
The vintage date on a bottle of wine denotes the year the grapes were picked, not the year of bottling.
About 10 percent of the world's total fish catch is cod.
Cherrystone clams were named after a creek in Virginia.
The average check at a diner in 1920: 28 cents.
Chinese scholars praised garlic as both a medicine and a food as long as 3,000 years ago.
The National Oyster Shucking Championship (since 1967) is held each October at the St. Mary's County Oyster Festival in Maryland, and pits the best female shucker against the top male shucker for the national title.
Before dandelions became weeds, they were cultivated purposely and people ate the leaves as a vegetable and ground the roots for a coffee-like drink.
William Alcott opened the first store specializing in health foods in Boston in 1830.
The first pizzeria in the United States opened in New York City in 1905.
Vegetables should be gathered from a garden in the morning or evening. If gathered when the sun is upon them, they will be tough and discolored.
About 40 percent of the world's cranberries are grown in just one state--Massachusetts.
There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee.
Sliced bread and fortune cookies were both invented in the U.S.
The waters of North America are home to more species of edible crabs than any other continent.
There are more than 20,000 brands of beer.
The oldest vegetable known to man: peas.